Tag: unknown


Ingredienti: 260g zucca grattuggiata, 2 uova, 250g ricotta, 250g zucchero di canna, 40ml olio di semi, 200g farina OO, 1 bustina di vanillina, 1 bustina di lievito, 50g cioccolato fondente a pezzettini, 50g amaretti sbriciolati, zucchero a velo

Sbattere a crema gonfia e spumosa le uova con lo zucchero e la vanillina; diluire con l’olio, amalgamare la ricotta e unirvi la farina setacciata con il

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Ricerche frequenti:

Women`s Health and Fitness

What should you eat? What exercise program should you try? Who should you listen to? So many questions and so many answers. What’s the best way to steer your way through this myriad of unknowns in order that you can experience better health and fitness?

Sometimes the best answers are the simplest ones. Rather than worrying about all of the what’s that you should choose from how about taking a

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