Tag: Estate


Ingredienti: 300g Pan d’Estate a fette, 500ml latte, 150g zucchero, 50g farina OO, 1 uovo, 1 stecca di vaniglia, cacao in polvere

Portare ad ebollizione il latte con la stecca di vaniglia, togliere dal fuoco, coprire e lasciare riposare per 15 minuti, quindi eliminare la stecca. Sbattere a crema l’uovo con lo zucchero, unirvi la farina setacciata e diluire a filo con il latte tiepido. Cuocere

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Solution for for Distressed Real Estate Owners

Homeowners of distressed real estate can explore several options to stop foreclosure from happening. They should always remember that a foreclosure can hurt their future chances of getting another home and acquiring another mortgage. It will also affect their credit scores negatively which is why preventing foreclosure instead of walking away from it is still the better option.

What Can Be Done?

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Nashville Real Estate Investment : Tips to Increase Capital Real Estate Flips

So how do you buy that screaming good deal now that the bank won’t make a loan. I must get asked this question 10 times a week. Everyone I know says I have all of these great deals but no way to finance them. Not to long ago I was faced with the very same problem. But by being creative and allowing partners to share in the profits I have been able to make millions over the last couple of years.

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